Ticket Lottery - New for 2024

Tickets for the 2024 Hummingbird Roundup will be released by random drawing so everyone has an equal chance of attending the event. In past years, all the tickets were claimed within 15 minutes. With this system, many people were unable to complete the ticketing process in time to apply for a ticket.

YES tickets are still FREE. YES One ticket per carload of up to 8 people.


1) Register between May 1 and May 15. Use Eventbrite.com or use the “Get Tickets” tab on our home page. You must open an account with Eventbrite. Each person can only apply once. Anyone who abuses this rule will be off this year’s list.

2) Tickets will be awarded randomly after May 15. You will be emailed a ticket voucher which you must redeem within 4 days. If you don’t receive a ticket your name will go on this year’s waiting list for a chance at unclaimed or returned tickets.

We are excited to share this unique event with you.

Carl RudeenComment