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We received our order of hummingbirds now that the cold weather has broken and all the native wildflowers have broken bud. It seems like the delivery driver always knows when the current bushes start blooming. Last week we had 4 strong male Calliope and Broad-tailed hummingbirds braving the cold. They were surviving the sub-freezing nights by eating the tiny fruit flies that are flittering around the apple tree and tanking up on sweet nectar and our sugar water. Overnight our numbers exploded as the first wave of migrants came home. Simultaneously we saw 10 different species of wildflowers bloom. Suddenly we were putting up multiple feeders to keep up with the hive of activity from all the “hangry” hummers. About 30 birds showed up yesterday. I expect another 30-40 will arrive in the brown truck today.

Carl RudeenComment