Fall and Winter Hummingbirds

Have you heard the buzz about Anna's Hummingbirds in Idaho? In the last 10 years, more and more Anna's have been showing up at Gem State feeders throughout the year. This (rather chilly) November, Carl and I banded 2 birds in American Falls, one in Heyburn and one in Twin Falls. In January, 2016 I was thrilled to band a very healthy juvenile male in north Idaho, at Hayden.

The Intermountain Bird Observatory in Boise has conducted a project monitoring wintering Anna's this fall and winter. They have banded and documented around 40 birds in the Boise area. Check out the "Idaho Birding" Facebook page to see pictures of a gorgeous male Anna's that has been showing courtship behavior- singing and making aerial dives... in March!

Anna's hummingbirds appear to be establishing themselves as the fifth hummingbird species in Idaho. If you see any indications of an Anna's nesting this spring, please report it to the Intermountain Bird Observatory. www.iob.boisestate.edu

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